What determines 'Response Potential' for a candidate in my search results?

When conducting a search in RecruiterCloud, you will see each candidate summarized at the top of their candidate card. This includes a rating for 'Response Potential,' which represents the likelihood of hearing from a candidate after making contact.

What determines the 'Response Potential' rating?

Wellfound Activity:

Candidates who set themselves as 'ready to interview' are actively looking for opportunities. Their engagement with job listings and applications on Wellfound contributes to a higher response potential rating.

Quality of the Email Associated with the Candidate:

The quality of the email address is a significant factor. Emails provided by Wellfound are considered reliable. Emails from external providers are rated based on a scoring system, which influences the response potential.

Tenure Heuristics:

The candidate's current tenure and proximity to a 'tenure event' (e.g., a work anniversary) affect their responsiveness rating. Based on typical job-seeking behavior patterns, candidates nearing such events may have a higher or lower likelihood of responding.

Responsiveness on RecruiterCloud:

A candidate's history of responsiveness within RecruiterCloud is tracked and factored into their overall response potential score. Candidates who have been responsive in the past are more likely to have a higher rating.

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