How do I use search suggestions?

We've found that there are times when recruiters could use a nudge to expand their search results. So, we designed Search Suggestions to make it easy to iterate on a search setup. When searching for a candidate using RecruiterCloud, you may receive suggestions after adding your requirements and launching the search.

Search Suggestions appear when our AI tools recognize that adjusting your requirements may increase your results. You may not need these if you're happy with your candidate queue amount. However, if you want more results, you can click the search suggestions to execute them. This usually removes a search requirement and results in more candidates in your queue.

To find and apply your Search Suggestions:

  1. Login and go to the specific project
  2. Go to 'Search' on the lefthand column

  1. Click on 'Filters' in the top right
  2. Click on 'Search Suggestions'

  1. Please look over the suggested options, and for any you want to apply, press 'Apply' to the right of the description.

This will open up the search results. You can always re-add your requirements.

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