Which applicants show up in wellfound:ai Applicants? And how long does it take?

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Ai Applicants allows you to review and process inbound applicants from your ATS.

In AI Applicants, your applicants will appear in three different sections: Pending, Accepted, and Rejected.

The 'Pending' list includes:

  • Applicants who have applied through Greenhouse
  • Only unprocessed applications

The 'Pending' list does not include:

  • Applicants whose applications have already been processed

The 'Rejected' and 'Accept' list includes:

  • Only applicants accepted or rejected within wellfound:ai

The 'Rejected' and 'Accept' list does not include:

  • Applicants rejected in your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) before integration with wellfound:ai

How long does it take for applicants to show up?

At the moment, this takes 4-6 hours. As Ai Applicants is refined, the wait time will be shorter.

How long does it take for the applicant's status to be updated?

The status of applications happens automatically in real-time to prevent double processing. So when you accept or reject at your ATS, this will also show in the Ai Applicants list.

How can I easily view an applicant in my ATS?

Yes, you can press 'view on ATS' from the top of the candidate card to perform any additional tasks or view more detailed information within your ATS.

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