How do I update my account and contact email?

The email set on the page is both your login for your account and the primary contact for notifications. This is the same for access to any company profiles you have access to for recruiting purposes. 

For recruiting notifications, you can set up a work email. Please follow this guide if that is helpful to you: How do I add a work email to my recruiting account?

To change your email or password:   

1. Sign in to your account 

2. Navigate to

3. In the Email field: Write in your new email

5. In the Password field: Enter your current password 

6. Click  Save Changes

The email entered is now the login and contact email associated with your account. 

To Remove Previous Emails Associated with your Account

1. Sign in to your account 

2. Navigate to

3. Press the blue text below the email field that says  "... emails associated with this account." 

4. On the new page, click 'Delete' on the right-hand side of any other associated emails you no longer want to be linked to your account. 

5. Press 'Save' in the bottom right corner to finalize the changes. 

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