How do I adjust the job type I am looking for, such as Full-time, Contract, Internship or Cofounder?

We offer four job types in our system. This includes full-time, contract, internship and cofounder positions. 

To Adjust Your Job Type 

1. Sign in to an account 

2. Go to

3. Select from the dropdown to the right of 'What Job Type Are you Interested In?' the job type you are primarily looking for. 

4. Beneath the dropdown you can check additional job types you are open to as well. 

Please note: For those looking for part-time work, you should set your job type as 'Contract'. Additionally, we suggest searching by 'Contract' position or leaving this blank and using 'part-time' in the keyword section of our search when looking for roles in our system. More on searching here. 

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