How do I process candidates from my search?

Processing candidates is easy. To help manage your list, please process 10 candidates at a time. If you need help setting up the search, please see this guide.

  1. Within the related Project, open your search page from the left-hand side menu.

  1. Click on a candidate from your list to open up their full profile.
  2. At the top of the page for each candidate profile, you have buttons that make each action easy. Here's a description from left to right:
    • Left arrow - see the previous candidate
    • Snooze - hold to review later
    • Hide - decline and remove from the list
    • Add to Prospects - do this when you like a candidate and want to start contacting for screening.
    • Report an issue
    • Right arrow - see the next candidate
    • X - exit the processing window

  1. Once you've taken action, the candidates will be placed in the locations related to the action. Description from left to right:
    • Prospects page - where your desired candidates go next.
      • You can review complete candidate profiles and set up your Outreach Sequences to begin contact and screening.
      • For more information about Outreach Sequences, click here.
    • New tab - where you will find the new results from your candidate search to process.
    • Snoozed tab - where the candidates you snoozed will be held for further review.
    • Hidden tab - where declined candidates go.
      • This tab simply allows you to retrieve them if you made a mistake in processing.

Tip: Use 'Extract Key Info' to Highlight essential details from candidates' profiles

By using the 'Extract Key Information' feature, you can highlight specific candidate details to help you process your search results quickly

  1. Within the search results, find any candidate card and press 'Extract Key Info' from the bottom of the card.

  1. In the pop-up window, write a requirement you want to highlight from the results.
    • For example: We wrote 'Highlight experience with SaaS' to have a quick summary of the candidates history to working at SaaS companies.

  1. Press 'Extract'
  2. Once the extraction process is complete, a highlight note addressing the 'Extract Key Info' prompt will appear for each candidate in the search. This will also show in the expanded candidate profile window.

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