How do profiles work? What is the difference between a job profile and public profile?

When you sign up for an account, you have a Jobs Profile and a Public Profile. These serve different purposes. Your Jobs Profile is only visible to people when you are actively searching for a role, and your Public Profile is always viewable when you have an account. 

Public Profile 

A public profile exhibits your work history and details to the larger Wellfound community. A public profile does not indicate that you are actively looking for a position. So, if your company sees your Public Profile, there's no reason for them or anyone to assume you are searching for a job. 

To edit and view your public profile 

1. Sign in to your account

2. Click on your avatar in the top right corner. 

3. Click on Edit Profile or click  here.

4. Click on View Public Profile from the top right of the Jobs Profile area. 

Please note: some aspects of your public profile are tied to your Jobs Profile and are edited in the same fields to prevent extra work. Our system will frequently push you to update the Jobs Profile area details when editing the Public Profile. 

Jobs Profile 

A Jobs Profile is used for companies to view while recruiting using our candidate search or reviewing applications to job posts. A Jobs Profile will present your work history and other details to active recruiters. 

To edit and preview your jobs profile: 

1. Sign in to your account

2. Click on your avatar in the top right corner. 

3. Click on  Edit Profile or click here. 

4. From the top toolbar, click on Overview to preview what recruiters will see. 

Who can see that I am searching for a job? 

Recruiters from companies can only see that you are searching for a job if you've actively applied to a job posting or have your profile set to Open to Offers or Ready to Interview. Your resume and jobs profile will be seen when recruiters search for similar candidates if you have selected these options. 

To view applications that have been sent to Job Postings, click on the Applied tab when logged in. If the application shows there, it has been sent and is currently active.

If you are Closed to Offers, no one can see your Jobs Profile. However, everyone can still see your regular public profile. No one can reach out to you in any way if you are Closed to Offers. 

Who cannot see that I am searching for a job when set to Ready to Interview or Open to Offers? 

We prevent current employers from seeing your Jobs Profile when you set a work experience item connected to your current company's profile to Currently Employed. If set correctly, your current employer cannot see that you are looking for a job even if you have set your profile to Open to Offers or Ready to Interview. 

To adjust a work experience item to currently employed

1. Sign in to your account

2. Click on your avatar in the top right corner. 

3. Click on Edit Profile or go to this address:

4. Go to Your Work Experience 

5. Press Edit in the top right corner of the work experience item you want to adjust or press+ add work experience to start a new position. 

6. Make sure to select the I currently work here box to indicate that this is a current position, and your jobs profile should not be seen by this company.

 How do I set my profile to Ready to Interview or Open to Offers or Closed to Offers

1. Sign in to an account connected to your profile. 

2. Go to

3. From the left of your avatar, select the most appropriate setting from the drop-down in the top right corner. 

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