What is the Code of Conduct for job seekers using Wellfound? and how do I report violations?

Please respect our code of conduct. Violators may be permanently banned, potentially without warning.

1. No spam

Do not spam introduction requests to candidates or applications to companies. There isn't a hard limit here; we track multiple variables when making this determination. So long as you're taking the time to read and only reaching out to others you feel are a good match, you will not be affected by this. Please take the time to read job listings and write thoughtful job notes to accompany your applications.

2. No advertising or solicitation

You will be restricted from using Wellfound if you use the site for advertising or soliciting goods or services. 

Do not use job listings or applications for advertising:

  • any commercial products or services
  • "entrepreneurial opportunities" to start your own business.
  • advertise multi-level, affiliate, or referral marketing links
  • training programs - even if they end in a position
  • investment opportunities
  • incubator or accelerator programs
  • any other activity that isn't specifically job-related

3. No intermediaries

We do not permit contingency posts, 3rd party recruiters, or other companies that build recruiting platforms. Do not post jobs, apply to jobs, or contact candidates on behalf of companies. 

  • This includes contingency posts for any 3rd party recruiters and may include recruiting platforms.
  • Do not post jobs, apply to jobs, source, or contact candidates on behalf of other people or companies.

4. Be fair and accurate

  • Jobs should list real compensation for currently open positions at active companies - nothing contingent on future funding.
  • No concealing company information.
  • Companies can't charge application fees or require any 3rd party site signup.
  • Candidates and companies must accurately represent themselves - we may remove profiles or suspend access pending verification if necessary.
  • Companies can't charge application fees to candidates or require any kind of 3rd party site signup.

5. Be professional

Treat candidates, companies, and the Wellfound team with respect.

Reporting violations

To report bad actors please view this article or email talent@wellfound.com directly. 

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