How does the ATS integration work for wellfound:ai Search?

Adding an ATS integration will allow you to send candidates who have accepted your reach-out to your ATS.

Here are some guides on how to integrate your ATS with wellfound:ai search:

How do I get my API from Workable?

How do I get my API from Greenhouse?

How do I get my API from Ashby?

How do I get my API from Jazz HR?

How do I get my API from Lever?

You may see some candidates already in your ATS in the search results. This means you won't reach out twice.

We provide a simple notice on the candidate result to alert you here:

We also have a tool for ATS inbound called 'Applicants' in wellfound:ai but this is currently limited to Greenhouse. Here is more information: What is wellfound:ai Applicants? And how do I set it up?

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