How do I adjust Stages in Track?

In Track, you have stages that represent the screening process for your candidates. While some are default, others can be personalized. You can simplify the view of your stages by expanding or collapsing each stage column. 

Note: You cannot edit stages in 'All Applicants' or 'Unassigned' . Instead, you can adjust the stages for specific job pipelines by selecting the 'job' from the left-hand menu.

To access Track 

1. Sign in to an account connected to your company profile. 

2. In recruiter mode, go to ATS from the top toolbar or click here.

Do I need to add custom stages?

No! You can always use the default stages we provide for you.

How do I add a new stage? 

Please note you can only add,adjust, or remove stages when viewing per job. If you try to change this when you have 'All Candidates' selected from the left-hand column, you will not be able to make the adjustment. 

1. In Track, hover over the stage title

2. Press on the vertical '...'
3. Choose Add New Stage
4. Add a title in the pop-up window on the right-hand side. 
5. Once a title is entered, you can also add instructions for your team. 

How do I change a stage's settings? 

1. In Track, hover over the stage title

2. Press on the vertical '...'

3. Click on Edit Stage Settings

4. A window will appear to adjust the Title and Instructions on the right-hand side. Press save after your changes are complete. These instructions will carry across any job posting in Track with the same stage title.

Please note: You cannot rename Matched, Offer, or Hired stages

How do I move, collapse and expand Stages? 

Our Stages can span more than a typical window size, so we've included the ability to expand and collapse stages. You can also quickly move the stage's overall position. 

To move a stage:

1. In Track, Hover over stage title

2. Press on the vertical '...'

3. You can use the buttons Move Right and Move Left to reposition the stage. 

To collapse a Stage

1. In Track, Hover over the Stage title 

2. Press the collapse button. The collapse button is an icon with a left-hand arrow pointing at a vertical bar. 

Expand a Stage

1. In Track, click on the collapsed Stage column to expand. 

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