๐ข Company Profile
Learn to set up your company profile to provide valuable information to candidates.
- How do I gain access to or start a company?
- What is the Code of Conduct for recruiters using Wellfound? and how do I report violations?
- How do I delete a company profile?
- How do I edit my company profile?
- How do I start recruiting?
- What is Wellfound Source?
- How to mark a company profile as 'Closed' or 'Operating'
- How do I recruit with Wellfound for free?
- How do I control notifications or unsubscribe from Wellfound emails?
- How do I show candidates who they will work with?
- How do I update my company profile to reflect an exit?
- How to reflect an exit on your company profile?
- Where did this company profile come from?
- How can I show or remove a current or former employee on a company's 'People' page?
- How can I make my company profile stand out?
- How can I add a testimonial to a company profile?
- How do I add a video to our company profile?
- What kind of job seekers and companies will I find on Wellfound?