How do I connect our Greenhouse ATS?

To connect to Greenhouse ATS, you need:

  • API access. 
  • assigned as Super Admin

Not sure who on your team has admin access?

You can see a complete list of users and their permissions by navigating to this page while signed in:

Don't have API Access?

You can send instructions to a Greenhouse admin. Enter your colleague's name or email in the text box below. 

To connect Greenhouse

  1. Sign in to your profile related to your account.
  2. Go to your settings button – the gear icon in the top right corner. 
  3. Select ATS or navigate to
  4. Select Greenhouse as your preferred ATS

  5. Visit the Greenhouse API Credentials page and click Create New API Key.
  6. Select the Harvest API type
  7. In the description field, type "Wellfound"
  8. Select the Harvest option from the dropdown
  9. Click Create
  10. Add permissions

On the Manage API Key Permissions page, click  'Select all' OR choose the following permissions individually:


Patch: Update Application

Job Posts

  • Get: List Job Post

Job Stages

  • Get: List Job Stage


  • Get: List Jobs


  • Get: List Sources


  • Get: List Users


  • Get: Retrieve Candidate
  • Get: List Candidates
  • Patch: Edit Candidate
  • Post: Add Candidate
  • Post: Add Attachment
  • Post: Add Prospect

  1. Paste the Harvest API key
  • Copy the new Harvest API key generated by Greenhouse and paste it in question 4.

11. Press Connect to Greenhouse. Once you've entered your API key, we'll automatically pull in your public job postings from Greenhouse


  1. To add custom questions, please follow this guide: How do I add custom questions from Greenhouse ATS?
  2. Navigate to Jobs from the top toolbar and add a salary or equity for each ATS synced job post to prevent limited distribution. Please follow this guide: How do I add a salary or equity range for a job post?

Please see this guide to learn about limited distribution: What does it mean if my listings have "Limited Distribution"?

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