⭐ Curated
Learn how to use Curated, our vetted candidate service, to find the best talent.
- How do I find a candidate's resume when using Curated?
- How do optional and required skills affect my search?
- How do I accept Curated terms?
- How does Curated work?
- Where can I learn more about Curated?
- How do I narrow my candidate search by desired company size?
- How do I sort my candidate search results?
- Do you conduct phone screens for us?
- How do I use keyword search in Source?
- How do I book interviews with candidates?
- How do I link a Source search for candidates with a job posting? Does this also connect to my ATS?
- How do I create a new search for sourcing candidates?
- How do weighted filters work?
- How many candidates should I reach out to in a week?
- A Quick Guide to Wellfound Curated
- Can I take my conversation with a Curated candidate offline?
- How do I delete a search from source?
- Can a Wellfound team member help me with my Curated account?
- If I click “not interested” on a candidate's profile while using Curated what happens? Will it affect my team-members' searches?
- How do I rename a search in Source?